Growing Rich

Growing Rich

0 تقييم
506 مشاهدة

14.50 د.أ.

المؤلف : Weldon, Fay

التصنيف: قصص/روايات.

المؤلف: Weldon, Fay

الناشر: HarperCollins

اللغة: English

رقم المنتج: 37996

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Growing Rich

A turbine-driven fantasy of love and revenge, values and morals: a witty and compellng elixir.
Bernard Bellamy has done a deal. He's sold out to the Devil, in all his forms. In return, he is promised that all his wishes will be granted, all his desires fulfilled. One of them, young Carmen Wedmore, is proving to be quite a challenge.
Carmen lives in the new town of Fenedge, East Anglia, near her former schoolfriends Laura and Annie. The three girls dream of the day they'll escape their dullsville existence. While Annie flies off with a fluttering, blipping heart to the snowcapped peaks and frothy rapids of New Zealand to join the man of her dreams and Laura marries, capably moving the population graph a few notches higher, Carmen stays in Fenedge, under the powerful clasp of Sir Bernard and Driver, the Devil's agent. Disguised as a suave chauffeur, Driver cruises in his plush, shiny, sinister limo, stalking her every move.
But Carmen becomes ever more determined to ride out the temptations laid in her path and not to sell her soul. Will she eventually succumb? Or will the Devil, for once, not have everything his own way?

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موقع يقوم بنشر الكتب المتوفرة بدور النشر و التوزيع الأردنية بنفس سعر بيعها من المصدر، حيث يقوم القارئ بالبحث عن أي كتاب يريده، ويقوم بطلب عدة كتب بغض النظر عن مصادرها، ويقوم الموقع باستلام الطلب من مصادرها وتسليمها للعميل بتكلفة توصيل واحدة وخلال 48 ساعة

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