1500 Questions for the DCH/MRCPCH Foundation of Practice exam

1500 Questions for the DCH/MRCPCH Foundation of Practice exam

1500 Questions for the DCH/MRCPCH Foundation of Practice exam

0 تقييم
79 مشاهدة

45.50 د.أ.

المؤلف : Farah Alam

التصنيف: علوم.

المؤلف: Farah Alam

الناشر: Createspace

اللغة: English

رقم المنتج: 39730

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The principal aim of this book is to provide a rigorous and challenging set of practice questions for candidates to revise and prepare for the DCH/MRCPCH Foundation of Practice exam, for the Royal College of Pediatricians, UK, and will prove a useful tool for preparation for the Diploma of Child Health. It is divided into five practice papers containing sixty stems with five multiple-choice true/false questions each. Detailed explanations of the answers have been provided to aid understanding and knowledge. This will be an invaluable asset to candidates aiming to reach the standard required for core specialist training, and for general practitioners with a special interest in paediatrics. It will also be useful for GP's, doctors and nurses wishing to maintain their basic knowledge in paediatrics, as part of their continuing professional development. show more

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